Some people are fortunate enough to come from families that can afford an expensive university education. Others aren’t. Entrepreneur and Futurist Mark B. Barron realized that words are both the biggest thing that sets the haves and the have-nots apart, and the biggest thing that can make up for that educational disadvantage.
But you don’t have the time or the energy – or even the interest – to learn 100,000 words, most of which you’ll never use, nor the hundreds of dollars other vocabulary systems cost. What you need is a crash course in today’s power words – the words that successful, powerful people use day in and day out.
You want to know the right words, for the right time, right now.
So Barron, working alongside both educators and power brokers, has chosen the 100 words you need to know. It’s fast, it’s easy, and it will give you the edge.
What are power words? They’re the right words. They’re words people listen to, words that command respect. They’re the key to effective communication and success in the fast-paced world of business – whatever your business may be. Plenty of people know these words, but only the most successful people are confident enough to use them.
Your vocabulary says a lot about you. And studies have proven it: there’s a direct link between one’s vocabulary and his or her success, status and income.
- Over the course of a decade, research scientist Johnson O’Connor gave vocabulary tests to executives and supervisors in 39 large companies. He found that in practically every case, vocabulary level predicted the employee’s position in the company. Executives scored an average 236 out of a possible 272 points. Managers scored 168 points. Superintendents, 140. Foremen, 114. Floor bosses, 86. His conclusion: the stronger your vocabulary, the better your position.
- Earl Nightingale, one of the first people to study the traits of successful people, found that “Without a single exception, in every case those who had scored highest on the vocabulary test given in college were in the top income group, while those who had scored the lowest were in the bottom income group.”
- A Human Engineering Laboratory Study tested the vocabularies of thousands of people spanning a broad range of careers and age groups, and found that the people drawing the highest salaries scored highest on the vocabulary test. Their results, in fact, were so consistent that the researchers declared there was only one attribute common to all successful people: A superior vocabulary.